
I highly suggest the reading of Slavoj Zizek’s “The Sublime Object of Ideology”

This work speaks of ideology, its sublime objects, cynicism, post ideology, the real and the reality, and some other relevent subjects. A VERY rough summaration of just a part of this work would be on how many today recognize money as an object is truly useless, a joke if you would. Yet we still continue with the unconcious continuation of money, accepting its power and performing the ritual of monetary exchange. By this we are not post ideology as it may first seem, but rather cynicists of ideology. We acknowledge money is bad, thus its ok for us to continue its propogation. Such an analysis can be applied to work. We all recognize work is indeed bad, but it is difficult to conciously, in our actions, be against work. For we still work, we must, to continue the ritual which maintains us being able to have shelter, eat, and drink,…

This work speaks of ideology, its sublime objects, cynicism, post ideology, the real and the reality, and some other relevent subjects. A VERY rough summaration of just a part of this work would be on how many today recognize money as an object is truly useless, a joke if you would. Yet we still continue with the unconcious continuation of money, accepting its power and performing the ritual of monetary exchange. By this we are not post ideology as it may first seem, but rather cynicists of ideology. We acknowledge money is bad, thus its ok for us to continue its propogation. Such an analysis can be applied to work. We all recognize work is indeed bad, but it is difficult to conciously, in our actions, be against work. For we still work, we must, to continue the ritual which maintains us being able to have shelter, eat, and drink, under the rituals maintained in modern capitalist society. If we wish to be truly anti-work, and not cynicist, then we must find ways to be conciously against work in all of our actions.

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