
I hope someone smarter than me has a solution for this issue that goes back a century (or more).

I live just outside of Dallas, Texas. A few years back, my oldest brother (A) and my older brother (B) and myself, went for a walk through some property that A had sold, close to where he owned a business. New condos were going up, something that B would find interesting, as he was a builder visiting from up north. B noted to us that all the structure was being done from scratch. Up north, to save on costs, a lot of things would be pre-assembled before getting to the job-site. “Labor must be incredibly cheap here in Texas.” Looking around, everyone was a darker skin-shade than us, and everything spoken, or labeled, was in Spanish. Both A and B are conservatives. Both were completely okay with undocumented migrants providing cheap labor. More importantly, they were completely okay with a company employing undocumented migrants providing cheap labor, even though it’s…

I live just outside of Dallas, Texas.

A few years back, my oldest brother (A) and my older brother (B) and myself, went for a walk through some property that A had sold, close to where he owned a business. New condos were going up, something that B would find interesting, as he was a builder visiting from up north. B noted to us that all the structure was being done from scratch. Up north, to save on costs, a lot of things would be pre-assembled before getting to the job-site. “Labor must be incredibly cheap here in Texas.”

Looking around, everyone was a darker skin-shade than us, and everything spoken, or labeled, was in Spanish.

Both A and B are conservatives. Both were completely okay with undocumented migrants providing cheap labor. More importantly, they were completely okay with a company employing undocumented migrants providing cheap labor, even though it’s against the law.

No calls to ICE, or any other law-enforcement agency. In a year where everyone coming across the boarder was MS-13, a rapist, or a drug-dealer, all the ‘good ones’ were working on the construction behind us.

I don’t know how to fix this problem, but I suspect that enforcing the laws on the books against hiring undocumented migrants would be a good start. If you’ve lived in the southwest, you’ve seen this; in restaurants, construction, hotels.

Amidst all the “I quit” posts, I hope someone smarter than me has a solution for this issue that goes back a century.

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