
I just asked my boss for less hours and she went full DARVO and called me selfish.

I am honestly in shock. I have two bosses, “D” (who is 2nd ranked and essentially runs the school) and “B” (super-wealthy owner of the school who is rarely around). I am an ESL teacher. I explained in a meeting yesterday with “D” that my schedule changes between last year to this have made my work unmanageable. I am paid per class, not per hour, and they swapped all my low-effort solo tutoring sessions with massive groups that come with additional work– classroom management, making copies, checking and marking homework, marking essays, etc. Therefore, my working hours have increased 50%, though my pay has not. They promised me more online classes, and I have none. They promised to remove a long and torturous morning, and they did not. In fact, they added more to it. I confirmed with “D” that this was the result of every other teacher receiving concessions,…

I am honestly in shock. I have two bosses, “D” (who is 2nd ranked and essentially runs the school) and “B” (super-wealthy owner of the school who is rarely around). I am an ESL teacher.

I explained in a meeting yesterday with “D” that my schedule changes between last year to this have made my work unmanageable. I am paid per class, not per hour, and they swapped all my low-effort solo tutoring sessions with massive groups that come with additional work– classroom management, making copies, checking and marking homework, marking essays, etc. Therefore, my working hours have increased 50%, though my pay has not. They promised me more online classes, and I have none. They promised to remove a long and torturous morning, and they did not. In fact, they added more to it. I confirmed with “D” that this was the result of every other teacher receiving concessions, and me getting what was left.

In short, they took away what I loved and doubled-down on what I hated.

Also, I am living abroad. Over the summer, my mother suddenly passed away. My dad is now alone in a huge house and is very sad. He built an apartment attachment so when I do visit him, I get an amazing free place to stay. Also, Putin is acting batshit. Also, inflation has increased prices by 50%+, just over the past 3 months or so.

Anyway, so when I went in and explained that between all of this, and especially that 50% more hours was untenable, the owner of the school went full abusive, controlling asshole on me. Especially when I asked how much time they'd need to replace me, given she seemed unwilling to meet me even 25% of the way. I really tried, but once I asked this, it really set her off.

She also brought up my girlfriend (“friend” to them, as they're homophobic) and made a cryptic comment about how I am only having problems because she's not here right now. She claimed helping me to get my medicine (a daily migraine preventative) was one of the many reasons I owe her. (Even though they keep giving me a 3-month supply and then going surprised pikachu when I come back in a few months and re-explain… I take it every day… all year…)

The other ESL teacher, “A”, also only agreed to 12 hours and was given 20. “B”'s main line of attack was “you want me to hire another teacher just for 4 hours?” to which I said — No. I am just telling you this is too much for me. And, No. I know “A” also wants way less hours, so there is definitely a pattern of you overworking us for below minimum wage. “B” denied “A” was overworked, but I freaking *walked in on an argument between “A” and “D” about how he has twice the hours he asked for*. He then also dished some dirt about the mind games “B” plays on him, and also made a dig at her fucking **vineyard**. So me and “A” teaming up is largely what has her feeling cornered, I think.

Anyway, I am honestly flabbergasted. I asked for less hours, something closer to last year, and some understanding for my personal needs right now, and was told I was “making her sick” and essentially was just screamed at and demeaned for like, half an hour.

So… now I really need to leave this job, right? JFC.

Tl;dr: I told my boss I needed less workload, and she told me I was “selfish for not just doing [us] this favor”. (After I clearly stated the workload was more. than. I. could. handle.) Even after I explained I have no time for myself or my life anymore, and I am dealing with the sudden death of my mother…

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