
I just blaffed to get a 26% raise.

Last year, the two managers I work to, get a 5 months maternity leave simultaneously and all the work left for me and i do everyting without any trouble. (i'm only an analyst) I mean, no problem for the company, because this excessive amount of work led to a burnout and I even had to be away for medical reasons for two weeks So, few months ago, one on those two quit and i tried to apply for the manager position but a get a negative answers. They say thel want a outsider, with a “diferent profile”, which I assume is someone who doesn't know the company and who hasn't already been proven doing the same shit i do alone for almost half a year. So for the last few months work has been left for me again as they 'search' for someone with the right profile. Added to that,…

Last year, the two managers I work to, get a 5 months maternity leave simultaneously and all the work left for me and i do everyting without any trouble. (i'm only an analyst)

I mean, no problem for the company, because this excessive amount of work led to a burnout and I even had to be away for medical reasons for two weeks

So, few months ago, one on those two quit and i tried to apply for the manager position but a get a negative answers. They say thel want a outsider, with a “diferent profile”, which I assume is someone who doesn't know the company and who hasn't already been proven doing the same shit i do alone for almost half a year.

So for the last few months work has been left for me again as they 'search' for someone with the right profile. Added to that, the remaining manager is about to go on maternity leave again.

But, a few weeks ago we have a restructuring in the team, where I am responsible for training a new person and this combined with the fact that I did a little interview about my work for a big business magazine and I decided to bluff.

I told those MF I have a job proposition for another company, a strong competitor. Invented the whole thing about it, and say to them i really want stay, but a need a counter propose.

And… i won!

They offer me an immediate increase of 26%, a career plan due to a promotion forecast for next year. Also, now I will be coordinator of my department.

I tried the right ways, but unfortunately sometimes the only way to fight the system is to use its own weapons.

It's not as good as the manager job I wanted, but beating the system, even just a little, is something worth celebrating.

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