
I just can’t feel invested in my employers companies anymore

Recently there were some major changes at the company I work for and I don't know what they expect from the employees but they present it as this exciting amazing change and I honestly couldn't give a fuck. The only thing I see is that this was a way to boost the CEOs nett worth by about 25%. All it'll do is disrupt our work, we get absolutely nothing out of it and I just can't bring myself to care at all. I see these people talk about how exciting this is and getting all into it and I just don't get it. All of this from a CEO that boasted that he could never imagine working for an employer and never has been an employee at a company (he started this company). It felt so disconnected from the poor fucking plebs that he lords over. I don't know what…

Recently there were some major changes at the company I work for and I don't know what they expect from the employees but they present it as this exciting amazing change and I honestly couldn't give a fuck.

The only thing I see is that this was a way to boost the CEOs nett worth by about 25%. All it'll do is disrupt our work, we get absolutely nothing out of it and I just can't bring myself to care at all.

I see these people talk about how exciting this is and getting all into it and I just don't get it.

All of this from a CEO that boasted that he could never imagine working for an employer and never has been an employee at a company (he started this company). It felt so disconnected from the poor fucking plebs that he lords over. I don't know what he is like to work with or under but it immediately made me lose respect for and dislike him. Kinda like going, “haha, get wrecked you fucking plebs, I'll never bring myself down to your level!”

I think what really soured my feelings towards the company is that when I joined the agreement was 3 days in the office, 2 at home, then we got a message saying that corporate has decided that it is now mandatory for everyone to come in 4 days a week starting immediately. I'm going to leave in December, that was my signal to get out.

I just don't understand how I'm supposed to feel invested in or give a shit about this company or about my job. I just, can't.

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