
I just don’t think work is for me

I dreamt of employment for the longest time . It got me through a 4 year mechanical engineering course because I thought things would be different after I graduate , I thought I'd be successful and have a fairly decent life but lately I feel a slow onset of depression approaching. I'm a 27 year old who sleeps on his mother's couch whilst working a job I hate with the entirety of my heart because the pressure is too much, the position had jr entry requirements but my employer and managers expect me to measure up to their 14+ years of experience when I barely have 8 months in the field (2nd month of probation with this company). My two managers sit across me and constantly throw jabs at me whilst demeaning my work every day instead of providing constructive criticism. Within earshot they speak of letting me go and…

I dreamt of employment for the longest time . It got me through a 4 year mechanical engineering course because I thought things would be different after I graduate , I thought I'd be successful and have a fairly decent life but lately I feel a slow onset of depression approaching.

I'm a 27 year old who sleeps on his mother's couch whilst working a job I hate with the entirety of my heart because the pressure is too much, the position had jr entry requirements but my employer and managers expect me to measure up to their 14+ years of experience when I barely have 8 months in the field (2nd month of probation with this company).

My two managers sit across me and constantly throw jabs at me whilst demeaning my work every day instead of providing constructive criticism. Within earshot they speak of letting me go and that they are paying me too much and that they should advertise the job again and I just feel f#cking sick and tired of the bs.

I work 45 hour weeks minimum and if I'm 5 minutes late (even if I notify my managers before hand ) it's the biggest travesty ever, the countless 30-40 minutes I spend after hours are ignored completely and I'm told it's unacceptable and only emergencies constitute being late .

I just don't know how people put up with eating shit everyday until 65 . I genuinely can't do it, slowly but surely I'm becoming depressed, I feel trapped like there is no way out . I just wish things where different .

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