
I just don’t want to

This morning I called in “sick”, on my fourth week on the job. I’ve never actually kept a job for too long. I was at the same company for a year through Covid, but I changed roles and had a month or two off on furlough. I used to think it was because I couldn’t/can’t cope with the 45-50 hour weeks but now I’m starting to think it’s because I just don’t want to. I hate leaving the house at 8am and coming back through the door at 6:30pm. Dinner, feed the cats, an hour movie, bed. Up at 6:45am to do it again. Various jobs have meant earlier/later start and finish times too. I’ve gone through countless jobs, I’ve tried every industry you could think of. I’ve paid for various licenses aswell, just to try and find my “fit”. It always starts off great but then I get tired…

This morning I called in “sick”, on my fourth week on the job.
I’ve never actually kept a job for too long. I was at the same company for a year through Covid, but I changed roles and had a month or two off on furlough.
I used to think it was because I couldn’t/can’t cope with the 45-50 hour weeks but now I’m starting to think it’s because I just don’t want to. I hate leaving the house at 8am and coming back through the door at 6:30pm. Dinner, feed the cats, an hour movie, bed. Up at 6:45am to do it again. Various jobs have meant earlier/later start and finish times too.
I’ve gone through countless jobs, I’ve tried every industry you could think of. I’ve paid for various licenses aswell, just to try and find my “fit”. It always starts off great but then I get tired of having no life outside of work. I just feel like I’m on autopilot and like I’m not actually living a life whilst I’m giving all of my time to make someone else rich.
I’ve travelled a few times, I know what life feels like when I just live, and it’s infinitely better than any of this.
Is this just how it is? Will it get better? What do I do? I can’t do this for the rest of my life.
Any advice welcome. Or just tell me what I already know.

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