
I just got fired for asking my pay to be matched to the new job listing

I worked at my job for 5 years, I made $15 an hour plus tips and was the most experienced person at the restaurant, trained literally everyone that was at my department. I also trained up 2 department leaders and multiple managers. I was that guy that everyone new as the one who “got shit done”. I was pretty much the only employee who could handle the workload that was thrust on the team, everyone else always looked to me for help and to accomplish work. I was used to getting several days worth of prep done in one shift just so other people would have easier shifts throughout the week (other people couldn't even get a single days work done), sometimes as much as 5 days worth of stock in a single day. I always went the extra mile and tried really hard to take care of my coworkers.…

I worked at my job for 5 years, I made $15 an hour plus tips and was the most experienced person at the restaurant, trained literally everyone that was at my department. I also trained up 2 department leaders and multiple managers. I was that guy that everyone new as the one who “got shit done”. I was pretty much the only employee who could handle the workload that was thrust on the team, everyone else always looked to me for help and to accomplish work. I was used to getting several days worth of prep done in one shift just so other people would have easier shifts throughout the week (other people couldn't even get a single days work done), sometimes as much as 5 days worth of stock in a single day. I always went the extra mile and tried really hard to take care of my coworkers.

Lately we've had a lot of people quit, we went from 12 chefs to 3, its pretty much a nightmare to work there and people have been very vocal about the problems the restaurant puts them through

I had a bit of a sabbatical because I got in a car wreck and was waiting for 3 months for my car to get fixed. They told me they wanted me back on the schedule, which I wanted to do because I hadn't made money in 3 months. Seemed all fine and all my time off was approved no issues.

However, I saw that they posted a job ad for an experienced chef of 1 year, full or part time, also getting a $200 bonus for signing on. Pay was $16-22 an hour plus tips. Again, I was making $15.

So to me it was a no brainer. I told them I wanted to talk about my pay before I went back on the schedule, and that I saw their job ad. I had 5x the amount of experience they were asking for and have a track record of excellence, never been reprimanded, never missed a shift, and in 5 years I was late only twice and by 1 minute both times.

They completely ghosted me. I didn't hear back from them for 3 days, and then I called and they said that I had been terminated and that they weren't allowed to speak to me.

Before this happened I had gone into the restaurant in person to talk about going back on the schedule. Everyone was so nice to me and happy to see me, giving me hugs, catching up with me, etc. But after I got fired, nobody even reached out to me, nobody has said a word to me. It's like I never even existed at all, like nobody ever gave a shit.

I honestly hated this job, I hated corporate and ownership, but I really liked my coworkers and all the people I shared shifts with. Guess it was all fake. It stings that everyone just stopped caring about me with the snap of a finger, but it stings even more to just be tossed aside like trash after all the hard work I had put into this place. I used to work 60 hour weeks, 5 doubles in a row, and 15 hour days sometimes no break. I never once was even told good job for any work I did, never got employee of the month (even though people who yelled at their coworkers and no-showed shifts would get that recognition), never got offered anything.

In the end, it was a good thing this happened, and I already have a new job. Like I said I hated working there and dreaded going back. I'm glad this toxic environment is cut out of my life, but I just wish it would've been nicer all those years, I wish I was recognized even once for all my hard work and contribution to the company, and I wish that all the people I worked with who acted like they were excited to see me come back actually cared and at least had something nice to say to me after all this time.

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