
I just got written up and told that I’m lucky I’m not being fired and my head is about to pop op.

I hate my job. I hate my job so much. I work in a call centre with the most toxic environment and mentality ever. Favouritism runs rampant here and unfortunately for me, I am not one of the favourites. I logged out of my phone to go to the bathroom and while walking there my underpants suddenly got really wet. Sure enough, surprise period 3 days early. I have no products in my purse and there’s no tampon or pad vending machine in the bathroom so I got to play the worst game ever-clean up beat you can, make a toilet paper pad, and go ask female colleague after female colleague until you find someone with a lady product. It didn’t take me too long, had to ask 5 people, back to the bathroom to clean up and apply said product and go back to work. My boss comes over…

I hate my job. I hate my job so much.

I work in a call centre with the most toxic environment and mentality ever. Favouritism runs rampant here and unfortunately for me, I am not one of the favourites.

I logged out of my phone to go to the bathroom and while walking there my underpants suddenly got really wet. Sure enough, surprise period 3 days early. I have no products in my purse and there’s no tampon or pad vending machine in the bathroom so I got to play the worst game ever-clean up beat you can, make a toilet paper pad, and go ask female colleague after female colleague until you find someone with a lady product. It didn’t take me too long, had to ask 5 people, back to the bathroom to clean up and apply said product and go back to work.

My boss comes over and asks, in front of everyone, where I was for the last 15 mins. I told him I was in the bathroom. “For 15mins????” He said, like as if he has never spent 15 mins pooping before? So I said “ya, mike, I was in the bathroom for 15 mins.” And at this point in my head I’m like “cool, these 15 people around me all think I just dropped a huge deuce.” Then he was like “I have never taken a 15 min bathroom break at work before.” So I said “that’s probably because you don’t go pee, find out you got your period, have to clean up, walk around the office asking women if they have a tampon until you get one, and then go back for a second clean up and to insert the tampon, before you can go back to your desk.”

He told me to “go to a meeting room and wait for him”. I did, for twenty minutes and was starting to think he put it me in a literal time out like the little bitch he is, and then he finally came in with HR and they made me sign a written warning that if I “abandon my station” without permission again that I will be terminated.

What. The. Fuck. HR gave no shits that he embarrassed me about going the bathroom in front of my teammates or that he (basically) made me tell him why I was in the bathroom for so long. She told me that I should consider myself lucky that I am just getting a warning instead of being fired for what I said and for leaving my desk for 15 mins.

What the fuck is going on? Is this legal? Does this thing I signed mean I have to ask permission to go to the bathroom????? Why??? If it’s not legal to deny me going to the bathroom how can it be legal to make me ask????

Man, fuck this place so much.

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