
I just had been laid off.

I dont know, I have mixed feelings. On one side, I need the money to survive and feed my newborn and my stay at home spouse, on the other, I begin to develop suicidal thoughts given I see that I do not advance in life, in my projects and most of my time I was forced to stay on my feet given I worked in retail even though nobody was there(and I do have a college degree). I feel I cant handle the fact that other people do have it easy but they downplay it. And I dont like it when all the media its raising on the pedestal these born rich people given that this social system is a pay to win type of system. They shrug under the carpet the losses and those who did the hardlifting and they raise on the pedestal those who put the money.…

I dont know, I have mixed feelings.
On one side, I need the money to survive and feed my newborn and my stay at home spouse, on the other, I begin to develop suicidal thoughts given I see that I do not advance in life, in my projects and most of my time I was forced to stay on my feet given I worked in retail even though nobody was there(and I do have a college degree). I feel I cant handle the fact that other people do have it easy but they downplay it. And I dont like it when all the media its raising on the pedestal these born rich people given that this social system is a pay to win type of system. They shrug under the carpet the losses and those who did the hardlifting and they raise on the pedestal those who put the money. Idk. I dont want to be a slave anymore. And I believe in my ideas but I am forced to partner with the “gate keepers”(investors) in order to give them a cut too if I am to develop a gadget or a service.
I dont get …wait I do. I wanted to say:I dont get why they teach us these general knowledge without the proper aim and all these bs skills. From my point of view, we are educated to become servants, skilled servants and be proud that we are allowed to do so. Given that rich people are no better than us beside the fact they have more money. The aim of school is to integrate you in the workforce, when it should have been to provide you wih the best life possible wich is: to be owner, make more money as easy as possible. Lets get real. A bigger house, a better car and no stress about money. I dont buy the bs that poor rich people work 1 million hours a week. Like Musk said. Its propaganda to keep you blaiming yourself for the fact that they dont teach you: capitalism, wich is linked to your survival and your well being, its a pay to play game. A casino in wich those with money try their luck on the “market place”.
Anyway. I think…idk, that I either make some money alone or go to jail. I cant buy myself protection from the law how rich people do. Lets be real, there are 2 justice systems: 1 for poor and 1 for the rich.

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