
I just heard this on my morning zoom meeting at work

Let me start this off with I'm in IT and I have to join a stupid zoom meeting every morning. The meeting talking about numbers, homecare clients who show up or don't, and just a whole bunch of stuff IT doesn't need to know. We're short staffed (like everywhere) and yesterday a few of our staff went to a job fair to find new hires. And low and behold no one applied. One of them mentioned it was about money that we pay out. The other homecare jobs are paying 20+ while we are paying 15 + “Benefits” like paid vacation, PTO Retirement 401k. Now here's the kicker. The CEO says. “We pay 15 because we give them benefits and union, and that people now a days only think of the now and not the future.” Are you kidding me? We can't worry about the future if we have to…

Let me start this off with I'm in IT and I have to join a stupid zoom meeting every morning. The meeting talking about numbers, homecare clients who show up or don't, and just a whole bunch of stuff IT doesn't need to know. We're short staffed (like everywhere) and yesterday a few of our staff went to a job fair to find new hires. And low and behold no one applied. One of them mentioned it was about money that we pay out. The other homecare jobs are paying 20+ while we are paying 15 + “Benefits” like paid vacation, PTO Retirement 401k.

Now here's the kicker. The CEO says. “We pay 15 because we give them benefits and union, and that people now a days only think of the now and not the future.”

Are you kidding me? We can't worry about the future if we have to worry about the now. Oh I'm also only getting paid 15 as an IT tech. This place suck and the CEO is a PoS. I'm 100% certain that Union benefits and regular benefits won't help pay for rent in NYC.

I'm sick of this money hungry country and it's shit face corporation greed

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