
I just landed the best paying job I’ve ever had in my life

I have no idea if I can post this here so very sorry if I cannot. I've always hated the idea of feeling guilty when I share how much money I make from my jobs. Especially because I have been struggling for the past year to make enough for my basic needs (food, rent, phone bill, car expenses, etc). I basically have been living pay cheque to paycheque which was such a change in my life style for me. Pre-covid I made pretty much the same amount if not less and I always had left over money to treat myself and never felt tight. I've been busting my butt the past month working on my resume and applying to jobs. Today I landed a job that pays me 18$/hr and feel like I can't share this information with even close friends and family because everyone I know is struggling with…

I have no idea if I can post this here so very sorry if I cannot.

I've always hated the idea of feeling guilty when I share how much money I make from my jobs.
Especially because I have been struggling for the past year to make enough for my basic needs (food, rent, phone bill, car expenses, etc).

I basically have been living pay cheque to paycheque which was such a change in my life style for me. Pre-covid I made pretty much the same amount if not less and I always had left over money to treat myself and never felt tight.

I've been busting my butt the past month working on my resume and applying to jobs.
Today I landed a job that pays me 18$/hr and feel like I can't share this information with even close friends and family because everyone I know is struggling with money.

But I am so ecstatic, I finally see the end of my long lasting debt to banks and family members. I finally see a possible future of not living in a rundown home with mold problems.

I just wanted to share my excitement with someone without feeling like I was flaunting. So, thank-you for listening. Sometimes this world feels soul sucking but it can get better. I hope you are doing well and are being treated well ️

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