
I just quit after my manager accused me of being unreliable for not replying to a text she sent after I had gone to sleep.

So I (28 F) walked into work today today at the store I have been employed at since November 2021. I've never been late or missed a beat there. I work produce/floor assistant manager (under said manager of today's story). Immediately after jumping in and helping with the days check list, my manager waddled over and started going on about how she sent me a text last night that I had not answered. The text asked if I and my sister (also employed there) was willing to work on this Saturday for an event. Mind you, this text was sent well after I went to bed, and by the morning she had sent out a new group text that the event was going to be canceled due to rain. Because of this 2nd text, I wasn't going to give her an answer until I asked her about the specifics of…

So I (28 F) walked into work today today at the store I have been employed at since November 2021. I've never been late or missed a beat there. I work produce/floor assistant manager (under said manager of today's story). Immediately after jumping in and helping with the days check list, my manager waddled over and started going on about how she sent me a text last night that I had not answered. The text asked if I and my sister (also employed there) was willing to work on this Saturday for an event. Mind you, this text was sent well after I went to bed, and by the morning she had sent out a new group text that the event was going to be canceled due to rain. Because of this 2nd text, I wasn't going to give her an answer until I asked her about the specifics of the festival being rescheduled after I got in today.

She immediately started raising her voice (in front of customers and employees) about how she was going to have to take me not replying to a night time text that my sister and I were unreliable employees and that she was going to have to start relying on other people instead of us. “Everyone is doing their part and then there's you guys.” I reminded her that Saturdays were our guaranteed off-day every week as it is our Sabbath, and according to our religious values we would not break the Sabbath and that we were very sorry. This had been stressed during our interviews and the store owner was 100% ok with that.

Manager started putting on the bitch voice and saying that I was having an attitude with her. This is especially rich as I have never seen Manager smile genuinely or speak to her employees in a calm and respectful manner. After some customers started wandering closer listening to her get louder and bitchier I took a deep breath, took off my name tag and handed it to her.

“What, you're quitting?” Yes Manager, I am. I told her that I had had enough with her talking to everyone like they were the shit stuck to her shoe and proceeded to walk out the store. She followed me to the back entrance complaining that this was not what she was intending and that I did not have to quit. But for minimum wage and being almost 30 years old I felt that I did. I'm just tired of working 10 hour shifts giving it my all to have every conversation with her feel like she's a nasty parent putting me down for her own amusement. Everyone else in the store hates her (her own daughter couldn't even stick it out there working for her.) It says a lot about your character when everyone is feeling good and having a great day at work until you walk in.

Here's where it gets worse. I walked out to my car crying (I hate confrontation and I cry like a little girl every time) and my sister (who's shift starts an hour after mine) asked what was wrong. I told her how Manager was accusing us of being unreliable and was screaming at the end of the “conversation” and that I had just quit. I them realized I had left my phone in the break room. My sister immediately jumped out of the car practically breathing fire. I was really scared for her job security if she went in like that but she wouldn't stop. After about 10-15 minutes I saw her walking back around the building red faced but not crying. She said that the owner, my manager and my sisters manager pulled her into an emergency meeting to discuss what had happened to me. I was floored thar they would gang up on my sister for me quitting. Apparently Manager accused me of lying about the whole thing. My sister finally heard enough of it and told Manager that she was a bitch, that everyone was miserable under her and that people don't complain because they're either kissing up to her or afraid of what she'd do. Manager says she's heard the contrary but couldn't give any examples of her being a great manager after my sister called her out on it. My sister's manager was smiling and almost laughing when Sister called my Manager a bitch (the other staff managers hate Manager too).

Sister proceeded to tell Owner about all the horrible things Manager would do or say, how all the employees avoid her at all costs, how we've actually had to draw straws at some points to see what poor sucker had to bring up some bad news to Manager at multiple occasions. That employees are smiles and happyness until we hear Manager enter the building (believe me, you know the second that Manager arrives, shes already bitching and screaming as shes walking in the door.) That customers have been shaken by how Manager treats us. Owner finally had enough as Manager was getting red faced in anger, and Owner had my sister take a walk outside with her to finish telling her stories. Owner was reminded about how I already sat in a disciplinary meeting about Manager because Manager was spreading employee personal information so she'd have something to gossip about.

When they got back, Manager's defense was the excuse that “I talk to everyone like that, most of everyone out there is teenagers and they can take it.”

So apparently it's acceptable to abuse your teenage employees now because “they can take it.”

My sister said she couldn't look at Manager anymore and said she'd be taking the day off. I feel really bad that my sister got caught up in this, but I'm just so tired of dealing with managers that never got over their high-school bully phase….

I really wish that the US work culture would change, but I feel like it never will. Guess I'll be looking for a job again, and maybe keep an eye out for one for my sister too.

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