
I just quit from my marijuana industry

Most of us have been getting our hours cut because of no work to do. I have a house and life to make good money for, so I didn’t accept that. My other coworker that runs the extraction machine put in a notice that she’s leaving in less than a month and she gets paid more than anyone right. So I work with my girlfriend and we both were packagers ever since a month or so they decided to start showing my gf how to work in the extraction room and follow that coworker around to get a glimpse of what she does (they also have her hands on learning too). Today they’re showing her how to run the machine and knowing that I feel she’s getting taken advantage of because she’s not getting a raise for any of this training. And they told her she wouldn’t have to do…

Most of us have been getting our hours cut because of no work to do. I have a house and life to make good money for, so I didn’t accept that. My other coworker that runs the extraction machine put in a notice that she’s leaving in less than a month and she gets paid more than anyone right. So I work with my girlfriend and we both were packagers ever since a month or so they decided to start showing my gf how to work in the extraction room and follow that coworker around to get a glimpse of what she does (they also have her hands on learning too). Today they’re showing her how to run the machine and knowing that I feel she’s getting taken advantage of because she’s not getting a raise for any of this training. And they told her she wouldn’t have to do it all the time because they have someone to take over the extraction room but just in case they can’t they’ll have my gf do it and I think they just said that so they don’t have to give her a raise right now. Am I overthinking or?? They haven’t had work for the packagers to do for over a month now and they offered us to do so much cleaning for them in exchange for us to be able to get full hours but we didn’t even apply to be there cleaners . And cleaning takes about 2 hours so I was only getting 2-3 hours of work for days in a row. one of my coworkers were cleaning the floors on her hands and knees, cleaning dust ol’ fans that have never been cleaned before and just stupid cleaning like that and now that I left I look back and see them as a shitty company, And do the bare minimum for us. They obviously have no worries because they don’t have to pay us for all the hours we’re missing. Can I get some advice?

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