
I just quit without previous notice, the boss won’t stop blowing up my phone.

Fuck then, I am not picking it up nor am I going back to that place, the restaurant sells so much and we are so underpaid for such labor is a joke, after working 6 days I only made 550$?? you know what the cost of living in denver is right now or am I being a greedy fuck? on top of that I have to take so much shit from people, I honestly can’t believe I gave this place so much effort and work, and this goes again to say that wherever job you are make sure you are doing the BARE MINIMUM effort, because you’re probably being underpaid for your labor either way.

Fuck then, I am not picking it up nor am I going back to that place, the restaurant sells so much and we are so underpaid for such labor is a joke, after working 6 days I only made 550$?? you know what the cost of living in denver is right now or am I being a greedy fuck?

on top of that I have to take so much shit from people, I honestly can’t believe I gave this place so much effort and work, and this goes again to say that wherever job you are make sure you are doing the BARE MINIMUM effort, because you’re probably being underpaid for your labor either way.

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