
I just received a job offer that is 11% lower than what I currently make after being strung along for 3 weeks.

In my first interview, I let them know what I make and that I would like to be a bit above that and was told “that is in range of the position”. After a few reschedules and a bunch of interviews, they offered me below my current rate and are trying to sell me on their other benefits (which are standard at best). Now I am starting over on my job search and they are weeks behind finding a candidate. I asked in the first interview because pay is the ONLY reason I am here, stop stringing me along.

In my first interview, I let them know what I make and that I would like to be a bit above that and was told “that is in range of the position”. After a few reschedules and a bunch of interviews, they offered me below my current rate and are trying to sell me on their other benefits (which are standard at best). Now I am starting over on my job search and they are weeks behind finding a candidate. I asked in the first interview because pay is the ONLY reason I am here, stop stringing me along.

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