
I just resigned from my job and this is the letter I sent to EVERYONE in the company

To whom it may concern, I have worked for WP for 5 months and in that time I have learned that: a. Corporate leadership or should I say Dave and Neil are the most tone deaf people I have encountered. As a part time employee who makes 15.25/hr, I do not really care about WP's successes in making millions of dollars as they like to tout in their randomly sent “assignments.” How am I benefitting from making these assholes rich? b. WP has reduced us all to numbers using metrics to gauge our productivity. I feel that is degrading and dehumanizing. We are people, not numbers and produce much more than WP gives us credit for. They look at the numbers and miss the big picture of how we all connect with and serve WP customers; there-by making them millions and getting nothing in return aside from a smile and…

To whom it may concern,

I have worked for WP for 5 months and in that time I have learned that:

a. Corporate leadership or should I say Dave and Neil are the most tone deaf people I have encountered. As a part time employee who makes 15.25/hr, I do not really care about WP's successes in making millions of dollars as they like to tout in their randomly sent “assignments.” How am I benefitting from making these assholes rich?

b. WP has reduced us all to numbers using metrics to gauge our productivity. I feel that is degrading and dehumanizing. We are people, not numbers and produce much more than WP gives us credit for. They look at the numbers and miss the big picture of how we all connect with and serve WP customers; there-by making them millions and getting nothing in return aside from a smile and a nod. Corporate appreciates money and so do we! We are not volunteers.

c. Stella reviews are arbitrary and unfair and are not an accurate measure of someone's productivity. Also we are not sales people so what's up with that metric for “contribution”? How much money we make from bookings should not even be measured. We sell what the customer asks for, period.

d. WP puts on a facade of being a fun, quirky and friendly place to work. That is true as far as my peers go but anyone above team lead level is only concerned with the bottom line and do not regard us (anyone below them) as anything but gears in a machine that spits money into THEIR pockets.

e..Do not even mention unions if you want to keep your job.

I know I am not alone. To whoever else shares my sentiment, STAND UP and FIGHT for what you are really worth!!

I thankfully, do not need this job. I am tired of being looked at as a number. We are all worth much more than five stars.

Respect yourself and RESIGN like I just did. Oh, BTW I QUIT!


Ron, (former)CXA

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