
I just started a new job, I am unimpressed

I just started (Yesterday) at USPS, “The United States Postal Service”. I will be a mail hander and the onboarding has been absolutly shite. And they made it clear they are bleeding employees right now and I cant help but wonder why… I have been out of work at least the last 6mo, been depresso and turned down at every place i got an interview for in that time. USPS was the first to offer me a position in ages so of course I accepted. And this was how my first day went down: By 645am 4 of us are waiting in the lobby where our email told us, supposed to start at 7am. At 730 a random employee notices us and asks whats up, we explain and they grab a supervisor, who proceedes to come out and be confused as hell because nobody told the there was training happening…

I just started (Yesterday) at USPS, “The United States Postal Service”. I will be a mail hander and the onboarding has been absolutly shite. And they made it clear they are bleeding employees right now and I cant help but wonder why…

I have been out of work at least the last 6mo, been depresso and turned down at every place i got an interview for in that time. USPS was the first to offer me a position in ages so of course I accepted. And this was how my first day went down:

By 645am 4 of us are waiting in the lobby where our email told us, supposed to start at 7am.

At 730 a random employee notices us and asks whats up, we explain and they grab a supervisor, who proceedes to come out and be confused as hell because nobody told the there was training happening as the actual trainers at this location are on vacation

The supervisor is sending emails and making phone calls and turns out were supposed to be on a zoom call with a trainer across the state, and it takes is an hour and a half total from being let in to being placed on this zoom call, so total we've missed about 2hours of training.

This zoom call is hard to hear, hard to see and the lady doing the training has a class in person as well and when shes answering her classes questions we cant hear the videos even more, she just talks over them. And any questions we ask get half answers and talked over like she cant hear us (she might not have been able too though)

Were aupposed to have entire packets of manuals and aids, and have been sworn in day 1, by day 2 have not received either of these.

I shouldn't be as suprised as I am, this is the government after all. None of this is my fault and will get sorted…eventually but.. Not making a good first impression

I don't really hold any of this over anyone, this stuff happens, but if i didn't need this job right now I would be thinking twice about now.

Edit: if any current or former employees of any role see this, any tips keeping my head down and getting that bread?

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