
I just want to be happy where I am. I don’t care how much money a job I’d hate would pay me.

TLDR : I hated my old job, I don’t want another like it and I’m sick of being told to chase after jobs like it that are “stable” just because it’s a big company and pays well and/or is under the government. (TW: suicidal thoughts.) I’m sick of family in my life hearing about the job I just got at a shoe store then saying things like : “oh.. that’s nice until you get something better!” “Ok, congrats. Please apply for the (boring job known to pay well) though so you can have better checks/benefits in the future.” I’m not about chasing the money. Especially since I’m single and childless with no family to feed. When I started applying for jobs after losing my last one, my main thought was that I just wanted to work in a field I feel good about. I have an interest in fashion so…

TLDR : I hated my old job, I don’t want another like it and I’m sick of being told to chase after jobs like it that are “stable” just because it’s a big company and pays well and/or is under the government.

(TW: suicidal thoughts.)

I’m sick of family in my life hearing about the job I just got at a shoe store then saying things like :

“oh.. that’s nice until you get something better!”

“Ok, congrats. Please apply for the (boring job known to pay well) though so you can have better checks/benefits in the future.”

I’m not about chasing the money. Especially since I’m single and childless with no family to feed. When I started applying for jobs after losing my last one, my main thought was that I just wanted to work in a field I feel good about. I have an interest in fashion so I’m pretty satisfied that this job chose me.

It’s annoying to be reminded that it’s not the best I could get. I feel passionate about the job I chose and that’s what matters to me. I’m going to get a check that will give me all that I need. I don’t want to just go for something because it’s a high paying government job or high paying some other way. I was seriously considering suicide over doing my last boring job counting money in a windowless room and I’m glad to have been fired.

This time If I’m going to get up everyday and give my time to a job, it damn well better be something I wouldn’t mind doing everyday and I hopefully found that in this job. Fuck the money. I want at least some small semblance of feeling comfortable or I’d rather die and I’m not over exaggerating when I say that.

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