
I just want to have money so I can enjoy life and raise a family too

If I'm working 40 hours a week and working hard cause I'm tired and put in the hard work then I should have enough money to sustain myself and possibly one child with my spouse/gf. Why is it that jobs nowadays suck unless you have enough education to qualify for a upper level tier job? What I think is psychical work should be just as important as mental work. Cause yes some jobs require little to no skills and no education but it is physically hard. Take for instance landscaping, delivery drivers, restuarant work, and factory work. They all require little to none education but it is all manual labor that requires using your body. Your body is used and abused by these companies and you develop wear anf tear on your body. These companies are abusing our bodies for little pay just so we can do all the hard…

If I'm working 40 hours a week and working hard cause I'm tired and put in the hard work then I should have enough money to sustain myself and possibly one child with my spouse/gf. Why is it that jobs nowadays suck unless you have enough education to qualify for a upper level tier job?

What I think is psychical work should be just as important as mental work. Cause yes some jobs require little to no skills and no education but it is physically hard. Take for instance landscaping, delivery drivers, restuarant work, and factory work. They all require little to none education but it is all manual labor that requires using your body.

Your body is used and abused by these companies and you develop wear anf tear on your body. These companies are abusing our bodies for little pay just so we can do all the hard work while they hardly do any manual labor and not have to wear down their bodies. I think jobs like this should be compensated more for because it is still hard work just not mentally.

I worked at Amazon and worked my ass off as a delivery driver. I would do 180 stops a day, around 200 to 300 packages and would be exhausted at the end of the week. All I wanted to do was work hard and have money for it. But I only made 17 an hour while other delivery jobs like upsp and the post office pay their workers a handsome amount between 30 to 40. Now that is what my pay should be but Amazon prioritizes on making as much profit as they can and pay their workers as little as possible.

In today's society the manual laborers get shafted while the upper job tiers get paid double even triple the amount. It's not fair and really takes away our ability to have a good life just as they do except we wear and tear our bodies down alot faster. I think manual labor needs to be looked at as just as important as educated positions because we are the grunts of the workforce who makes up the majority. Without us the whole pyramid scheme of society would collapse

Why can't we change our views on manual labor and demand more money from corporations? Everyone deserves the ability to provide for themselves and their families if they are working hard at 40 hours a week no matter what their education is! The perks of having an education should be to have a more lucrative laid back high paying job while manual work is more hard physically and back breaking but the pay should be the same imo

Wouldn't you guys agree? This goes for fast food workers as well cause i worked at fast food granted its not hard as let's say landscaping but it is still grueling work as you work long difficult hours in a hot greasy environment around dirt and grease. I+t gets messy and you gota work at a fast pace while multitasking. It's a shame that these people work at minimum wage. I think minimum wage should go up to 20 an hour so that these fast food workers can make a decent wage.

20 an hour would be fair for fast food workers while 25 to 30 an hour would be fair for landscapers, factory work, delivery drivers etc.. I'm just so sick of corporations taking from us, exploiting our bodies and extracting resources from the planet and keeping all the money/resources for themselves!

Rant over

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