
I just want to take my kids on vacation

The kids went through the pandemic, cancelled school, trips, their dad deployed. We both worked straight through covid. Now we are both working all summer to pay for gas and increased bills. I want to spoil these kids with a bomb ass vacation. But, I don’t get PTO. Spouse has to travel for work. Budget is too tight. We were teenage parents, been married 18 years, put ourselves through college. We have never gone on a real vacation. The grind is wearing me down.

The kids went through the pandemic, cancelled school, trips, their dad deployed. We both worked straight through covid. Now we are both working all summer to pay for gas and increased bills. I want to spoil these kids with a bomb ass vacation. But, I don’t get PTO. Spouse has to travel for work. Budget is too tight. We were teenage parents, been married 18 years, put ourselves through college. We have never gone on a real vacation. The grind is wearing me down.

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