
I just wanto to share what I’m going through at work.

So on March 1st I handed my 30 days notice which is the norm in my country. However the store manager took my resignation severly. Like he took it super personally. He is looking for any excuse to disciplinary fire ne which under the laws in my country will basically mean that I would be ineligible for any standard work, basically like an ex convict. Furthermore he's insisting that I owe hours at work and is taking away my off days in the hoped that I'd react in a way that would justify him disciplinary firing me. The problem is that I am currently trying to join the military and I need these off days to handle the massive stack of documents they gave me. Which involves physical and mental evaluations and a bunch of other government institutions I have to go through like for example our version of the…

So on March 1st I handed my 30 days notice which is the norm in my country. However the store manager took my resignation severly. Like he took it super personally. He is looking for any excuse to disciplinary fire ne which under the laws in my country will basically mean that I would be ineligible for any standard work, basically like an ex convict. Furthermore he's insisting that I owe hours at work and is taking away my off days in the hoped that I'd react in a way that would justify him disciplinary firing me. The problem is that I am currently trying to join the military and I need these off days to handle the massive stack of documents they gave me. Which involves physical and mental evaluations and a bunch of other government institutions I have to go through like for example our version of the National Security Agency.

Somehow he cought wind of all that and is actively doing his best to prevent me from doing what's best for me. I've never encountered anything like this. I don't slack off, for the 2 years I've worked here I haven't been late once, I've worked in the rain and the heat and the bitter colds, everytime they've called I've answered and this is what I get.

The second he hands me my documents I plan to give him as the Americans say, a piece of my mind.

Thank you for reading.

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