
I keep being asked why I have a new job every year and it’s obviously because each new position pays more.

Is it just me or are these questions during interview ridiculous? And we've supposed to pretend that it wasn't about the money. I keep being told not to say I change jobs for money. 4 years ago I started my career making $18,000. I'm now earning in excess of $80,000 by just switching jobs every year. Why WOULDN'T I continue to do this? “Companies don't want to hire employees that quit after a year”. So pay me what I'm worth? I work a job where it's the norm for employers to rent an apartment for me, so I do not have any ties to any particular city that I live in. Allowing me to pretty easily shop around for jobs that cover the entire country. So every year at the end of my contract I just shoot my CV out there and start interviewing for positions. Doesn't matter for me…

Is it just me or are these questions during interview ridiculous? And we've supposed to pretend that it wasn't about the money. I keep being told not to say I change jobs for money.

4 years ago I started my career making $18,000. I'm now earning in excess of $80,000 by just switching jobs every year. Why WOULDN'T I continue to do this?

“Companies don't want to hire employees that quit after a year”. So pay me what I'm worth?

I work a job where it's the norm for employers to rent an apartment for me, so I do not have any ties to any particular city that I live in. Allowing me to pretty easily shop around for jobs that cover the entire country. So every year at the end of my contract I just shoot my CV out there and start interviewing for positions. Doesn't matter for me if it's 2000km away.

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