
“I knew I had access to you”

Just a follow from yesterday's posts. Basically this person promised something they could not deliver on the assumption that I would do it. A correct assumption, as it turns out, as my boss has made it clear that they DO expect me to help this person do their own job. So that's that. During the conversation today, they actually said “I knew I had access to you” as an explanation for this situation. Their employer has provided them with the necessary software – at considerable expense – but they don't know how to use it. So they are dumping the work on me – a temp who works for another organization entirely and has plenty of their own work to do. For extra fun, this person can't even articulate what they want. My guess is they expect me to think something up. (My skills are well beyond theirs in this…

Just a follow from yesterday's posts.

Basically this person promised something they could not deliver on the assumption that I would do it. A correct assumption, as it turns out, as my boss has made it clear that they DO expect me to help this person do their own job. So that's that.

During the conversation today, they actually said “I knew I had access to you” as an explanation for this situation. Their employer has provided them with the necessary software – at considerable expense – but they don't know how to use it. So they are dumping the work on me – a temp who works for another organization entirely and has plenty of their own work to do.

For extra fun, this person can't even articulate what they want. My guess is they expect me to think something up. (My skills are well beyond theirs in this particular area.) They can't even say WHEN they want it, just that it's important.

I'm just venting. I have to do the work. I just hate the power plays and the manipulation.

I also must have some kind of PTSD from past toxic workplaces because my emotional reaction to this is off the charts. Not healthy.

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