
I lashed out at an older guy at a Dollar General and I feel no shame

I don't know if this is the right subreddit for this, since you know, this is r/antiwork and all, but I think it fits so here goes my rant: I go to a Dollar General sometimes on lunch to get some snackies. If you have never been to a Dollar General before here it the explanation is: they pay absolute hot dog water and the turnover rate is probably something in the 90% of employees, so there is always one person working. ​ Anyways, I grab my snackies and my water bottle and go to checkout and there is this older guy in front of me, buying cat treats and some other random shit, and he looks directly at me as if I am going to affirm what he says next: “Where is this lady? She hides all the time.” I just stand there and say nothing. There is a…

I don't know if this is the right subreddit for this, since you know, this is r/antiwork and all, but I think it fits so here goes my rant:

I go to a Dollar General sometimes on lunch to get some snackies. If you have never been to a Dollar General before here it the explanation is: they pay absolute hot dog water and the turnover rate is probably something in the 90% of employees, so there is always one person working.

Anyways, I grab my snackies and my water bottle and go to checkout and there is this older guy in front of me, buying cat treats and some other random shit, and he looks directly at me as if I am going to affirm what he says next:

“Where is this lady? She hides all the time.” I just stand there and say nothing.
There is a little bell that says ring me for help.
*rings bell*
guy is looking around the store like looking hard is going to speed up the process of someone coming to the register?
*rings bell with more force* (yeah that'll show em!)
“Where the hell can she be?? Does she not see us standing here???” I once again say nothing.

This guy is getting agitated as hell, pacing in a small semi circle so he starts mashing the bell like a toddler.

Up comes Sheryl (bless you Sheryl). She has got to be 60+ years old. Walking slowly because her back has the arch of the Notre Dame logo.

“Sorry I am the only person here, I was in the back unloading a pallet.”

“Well you should hire more people, no one wants to work these days!!!!!”

I couldn't help myself. I snapped on this dude. I can't really remember what I said but I know it made him feel like shit. People don't want to work because wages are so fucking low, and here you are you entitled selfless fuck, ragging on poor old Sheryl who probably makes $9/hr, and is the one stocking your fucking cat treats, while being the only person who decided to go to work today at Dollar fucking General of all places. Old fucking bastard. I was so absolutely pissed off at this and I don't know why. I have seen this sort of thing happen before, but seeing the rage in this old guys eyes, that no one would dare grace his presence immediately at the register of a dollar general so he can buy his cat treats really rubbed me the wrong way.

Anyways thanks for listening to my pep talk. Entitlement is a sombich and so was that old guy

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