
I legitimately can not stand workers who rely on tips and complain about it.

Let me start off by saying that tipping culture is BS and companies need to pay their employees a living wage. I miss living in Europe for the year I was there and this is a big reason. You literally knowingly picked a job that relies on tips, then complain and shame customers for not paying your living? All while letting the employer off the hook. It’s completely ass backwards. The worst part is though, every time I ask a worker who relies on tips if they rather work for tips, or have a European styled system where they are paid appropriately but tips aren’t normal, they ALWAYS say they rather have tips. Not once have they told me otherwise. So you complain about tips, but if offered the alternative, you still want tips? Blows my mind and while I primarily blame employers for continuing this backwards ass practice of…

Let me start off by saying that tipping culture is BS and companies need to pay their employees a living wage. I miss living in Europe for the year I was there and this is a big reason.

You literally knowingly picked a job that relies on tips, then complain and shame customers for not paying your living? All while letting the employer off the hook. It’s completely ass backwards.

The worst part is though, every time I ask a worker who relies on tips if they rather work for tips, or have a European styled system where they are paid appropriately but tips aren’t normal, they ALWAYS say they rather have tips. Not once have they told me otherwise.

So you complain about tips, but if offered the alternative, you still want tips? Blows my mind and while I primarily blame employers for continuing this backwards ass practice of not paying employees, these very employees are secondary to blame for preferring the system while continuing to complain about it.

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