
I lied & now I’m terrified

I have left jobs because of “If it cost you your Peace, it's too expensive”. I have worked for horrific bosses. I redid my resume, I said I worked at a previous employer longer than I really did and didn't put down my actual last employer. I have great rapport with previous co-workers who I have as my supervisors so when they get called for references they know the drill. I interviewed for this great position, 2-2 hour interviews! All praise and even the HR interview said I got a thumbs up, sent me the benefits/pay schedule said the manager really wants me, this was on Monday. Haven't heard anything back. I asked if they would like my social for the background check (I didn't give it to them, just offered in case they wanted it since she said the last thing is a background check) and its now Thursday….…

I have left jobs because of “If it cost you your Peace, it's too expensive”. I have worked for horrific bosses.

I redid my resume, I said I worked at a previous employer longer than I really did and didn't put down my actual last employer. I have great rapport with previous co-workers who I have as my supervisors so when they get called for references they know the drill.

I interviewed for this great position, 2-2 hour interviews! All praise and even the HR interview said I got a thumbs up, sent me the benefits/pay schedule said the manager really wants me, this was on Monday. Haven't heard anything back. I asked if they would like my social for the background check (I didn't give it to them, just offered in case they wanted it since she said the last thing is a background check) and its now Thursday…. ghosted from HR and my recruiter. I know I should be patient but the recruiter has been very responsive up until now.

But what I'm terrified of is I read that background checks show your employment history! I did a background check in April and it was clean but maybe they weren't looking for former employers?

I moved to another state for 8 months and I didn't dosclose that as it is painful for me to speak about.

Will they see that? I can explain the brief move to another state but should I just redo my resume to be honest? Obviously I feel like a loser for not having the most consistent job history, I just feel like a POS either way.

Are there different tyows of background checks?

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