
I Like this! I’m liking that people really understand :D

Honestly! Great job understanding the real damage these things do to you! For me personally working 9-5 is a death sentance, Working until you pass on is really dumb, I will of course have a desire for my dream job. Like being a manga artist and author and other things of course but things need to change. Look at me for example, I get SSI for GOOD reason, and I only get 841 though I work for free with my dream job at the moment. But I BARLEY get to go out due to both money and habits. If I had more money I'd be able to enjoy more things! Like the place I live at has bad stuff happen all the time but it takes me SO much money to move, get boxes, unless I have to save what I got with the amount I get. ​ Like if…

Honestly! Great job understanding the real damage these things do to you! For me personally working 9-5 is a death sentance, Working until you pass on is really dumb, I will of course have a desire for my dream job. Like being a manga artist and author and other things of course but things need to change. Look at me for example, I get SSI for GOOD reason, and I only get 841 though I work for free with my dream job at the moment. But I BARLEY get to go out due to both money and habits. If I had more money I'd be able to enjoy more things! Like the place I live at has bad stuff happen all the time but it takes me SO much money to move, get boxes, unless I have to save what I got with the amount I get.


Like if I got more money I need for my Job, I can get the updated gear I need, have better mental health, be happier! But working myself as you all have experienced isn't something that would be healthy for me. You guys did fantasic though! πŸ˜€ On another note I was considering being homeless and traveling the US as a photographer, Streamer, Game Dev, and Manga artist and Author but my body can't handle all that.


I believe we need to things to change on how our system works. It's unfair to everyone, it makes people bitter, sad, depressed, and makes people even give up. You guys are correct to fight against this bad work flow it's wrong that people work so so so so so hard to the point they can't rest, can't do hobbies, can't spend time with family, can't go on vacation unless it's once a year or maybe within the next 3 years which is stupid.


For those who see this just understand and think logically. I don't know everything about the movement myself but they make VERY correct points as far as I'm seeing so far. Do you honestly want to lose your mind, develop possible Stress disorders, become so stressed your body fails you, your mind fails you, you can't spend time with family, friends, go on vactions or have them haulted because of work while you work day and night for that 1 week or 3 day vacation you haven't had in 5 years? I think that has to change.

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