
I like working :/

What upsets me so much about our current circumstance is that I genuinely like to work, just not for an unlivable wage in a place that takes away most of my time. Work gets me out of the house, around new people, and gives me purpose, but that is quickly undercut by the notion that my “purpose” has become lining some CEOs pockets. Thats not even mentioning that a lot of jobs tend to be dangerous and I'm not gonna cut my life short for somebody else's profit. I'm really frustrated and I hope I'm not alone in this.

What upsets me so much about our current circumstance is that I genuinely like to work, just not for an unlivable wage in a place that takes away most of my time. Work gets me out of the house, around new people, and gives me purpose, but that is quickly undercut by the notion that my “purpose” has become lining some CEOs pockets. Thats not even mentioning that a lot of jobs tend to be dangerous and I'm not gonna cut my life short for somebody else's profit. I'm really frustrated and I hope I'm not alone in this.

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