
I Literally Can’t

I am so over the patriarchal hellhole that we live in. This past week I have gotten off my couch twice to apply for a role a McDonald’s, to be honest with you, I didn’t want the job anyways. But to collect my check I had to prove I applied to jobs. Anyways, as I’m trying to fill out the application, I notice it only has options for Male(evil) and Female in the gender box. Mcdoanlds. It is 2022. I’m literally shaking right now. Whatever I think, it might not be the end of the world. So a few days past and I’m at home busy as hell on Reddit, when the employer decided to randomly call me? I’m thinking now like who has to audacity to just randomly call me throughout the day? Oh well I let it ring and continue my search for the rarest anime nft. THEY…

I am so over the patriarchal hellhole that we live in. This past week I have gotten off my couch twice to apply for a role a McDonald’s, to be honest with you, I didn’t want the job anyways. But to collect my check I had to prove I applied to jobs. Anyways, as I’m trying to fill out the application, I notice it only has options for Male(evil) and Female in the gender box. Mcdoanlds. It is 2022. I’m literally shaking right now. Whatever I think, it might not be the end of the world. So a few days past and I’m at home busy as hell on Reddit, when the employer decided to randomly call me? I’m thinking now like who has to audacity to just randomly call me throughout the day? Oh well I let it ring and continue my search for the rarest anime nft. THEY HAVE THE AUDACITY to call me back a second time, I finally pick up w a little bit of attitude to show them I’m not about to waste MY time.

See I value my time unlike all the people earning a living being productive. So I’m on this second call w the employer who doesn’t even ask my pronouns or what gender I feel this morning, and he offers me a job. A what I say? He replied “we’d like you to work the day shift Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday”. Honestly, I was taken aback. I kind of mumbled with a terrible voice crack while saying “I’d have to think about it”. That was the scariest phone call of my life. I’ve never felt so assaulted in my life. Who is he to tell me I can work there? PSA Mcdoandls I value my time and will not work for $20 an hour. I will not be devalued and waste my time. I’m not mad about it though, it just means I can sleep til 2:30 like usual and jerk off and play Pokémon all day.

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