
I Love Having to Work When I’m Sick -_-

I work at a short staffed bar as the cook… I'm the only cook that's working at the time of my shifts. Nobody there to help me, nobody to cover my shift. The cooks that work on the other days that I don't work have other jobs, so they can't cover me. Anyways, I'm sick with a cold today or something (I don't think it's Covid, which I had recently), but I feel like shit. Naturally, I call in sick because I don't want to be dealing with food and customers (which I have to run the food out to them as well) when I have a runny nose and cough, which could easily spread the germs around. However, because we're short staffed, usually my boss will cover me when I get sick. That's all she can do when she doesn't hire anyone else that can help me or run…

I work at a short staffed bar as the cook… I'm the only cook that's working at the time of my shifts. Nobody there to help me, nobody to cover my shift. The cooks that work on the other days that I don't work have other jobs, so they can't cover me.

Anyways, I'm sick with a cold today or something (I don't think it's Covid, which I had recently), but I feel like shit. Naturally, I call in sick because I don't want to be dealing with food and customers (which I have to run the food out to them as well) when I have a runny nose and cough, which could easily spread the germs around. However, because we're short staffed, usually my boss will cover me when I get sick. That's all she can do when she doesn't hire anyone else that can help me or run the kitchen without me. But today, she has some board meeting to go to, probably for one of her kids' schools, so she can't come in until later. This means I have to work only half my shift, which is like 4 hours, but I had to make the commute to here, and now have to make the commute back home, which is quite the distance, and with gas prices being shit, it's hard sometimes to be able to make that commute. On top of all that, I'm pretty sure I have a fever and the kitchen is hotter than the devil's nut sack because it's summer. I don't hold any of this against my boss because her life has been difficult and I respect her greatly, but if she would just hire one more person for the kitchen, this wouldn't be a problem. Especially because I could use an extra set of hands when it gets really busy. Anyways, just wanted to rant.

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