
I love my job

So I just had to call out for the first time in my 9 months working at a Safeway because I am currently coughing like hell and can’t go 30 minutes away from the bathroom (both things they tell you are valid reasons not to go in when you work with I dunno food) so I told my manager and she was upset but could hear my voice and got it, the higher up’s however told me to check in closer to my shift cause it might clear up like ma’am I’m calling you ON THE TOILET and last time I checked sickness doesn’t just pack up and head out in 6 hours. Truly feel like a number today

So I just had to call out for the first time in my 9 months working at a Safeway because I am currently coughing like hell and can’t go 30 minutes away from the bathroom (both things they tell you are valid reasons not to go in when you work with I dunno food) so I told my manager and she was upset but could hear my voice and got it, the higher up’s however told me to check in closer to my shift cause it might clear up like ma’am I’m calling you ON THE TOILET and last time I checked sickness doesn’t just pack up and head out in 6 hours. Truly feel like a number today

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