
I Love That Good Morning Slap in the Face

I’m a nurse. Responsible for 20-24 patients in a rehab facility. One day I write up a CNA for leaving several people in their own excrement for long periods of time. Also skipping out off the floor to go fuck around somewhere else with her friends. Mind you, this CNA only has 10 people to care for. This is neglect and falls under my license. Today CNA finds out I wrote her up for this and CNA decides to verbally attack me in front of a bunch of people. I tell CNA to leave and clock out. She refuses. I call DON. DON says, “Just try to get along for 8hours” and hangs up. Guess what, the DON is the daughter of the administrator. The DON and administrator are very good friends with the people that own the facility. No where to go from there. HR is good friends with…

I’m a nurse. Responsible for 20-24 patients in a rehab facility. One day I write up a CNA for leaving several people in their own excrement for long periods of time. Also skipping out off the floor to go fuck around somewhere else with her friends. Mind you, this CNA only has 10 people to care for. This is neglect and falls under my license. Today CNA finds out I wrote her up for this and CNA decides to verbally attack me in front of a bunch of people. I tell CNA to leave and clock out. She refuses. I call DON. DON says, “Just try to get along for 8hours” and hangs up. Guess what, the DON is the daughter of the administrator. The DON and administrator are very good friends with the people that own the facility. No where to go from there. HR is good friends with DON and Administrator. FML. This is so ass backwards. I don’t hate CNAs because I used to be one. Quit fucking around.

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