
I love work, but this is why I’m here.

I enjoy work .I work really freaking hard on my own businesses. I have since I was a teen. This goes deeper than just corps making employees the equivalent of surfs. I live in a “cheap” city and live fairly frugally. Here's a list of general, necessary expenses for a relatively modest living: Rent: $2000 Car: $500 Food: $450 Health care: $450 Utilities: $350 Internet: $110 Taxes: assuming ~30% of total income (especially if you're self employed) ​ Let's say you try to follow the advice of “50% to need, 30% to fun, and 20% to savings”. Accounting for taxes in the 50%, were talking ~$203k/yr to make those “modest” expenses. Counting post tax income, that's still $132k/yr to hit those ratios. ​ In a nation with: a single payer Universal health care robust public transportation system a regulated non-oligopoly food supply a properly regulated non-monopoly energy supply a non-artificially…

I enjoy work .I work really freaking hard on my own businesses. I have since I was a teen. This goes deeper than just corps making employees the equivalent of surfs.

I live in a “cheap” city and live fairly frugally. Here's a list of general, necessary expenses for a relatively modest living:

  • Rent: $2000
  • Car: $500
  • Food: $450
  • Health care: $450
  • Utilities: $350
  • Internet: $110
  • Taxes: assuming ~30% of total income (especially if you're self employed)

Let's say you try to follow the advice of “50% to need, 30% to fun, and 20% to savings”.

Accounting for taxes in the 50%, were talking ~$203k/yr to make those “modest” expenses.

Counting post tax income, that's still $132k/yr to hit those ratios.

In a nation with:

  • a single payer Universal health care
  • robust public transportation system
  • a regulated non-oligopoly food supply
  • a properly regulated non-monopoly energy supply
  • a non-artificially reduced housing supply

Here's what those same expenses would look like:

  • Rent: $1000
  • Transportation: $50-100
  • Food: $150-200
  • Healthcare: $0
  • Utilities: $150
  • Internet: $35
  • Taxes: ~50% of income.

That would allow the same standard of living for ~$71k/yr vs $132k.

The US economy is set up to make you fail unless you're big enough to take part in sucking the system dry.

It's unsustainable and is killing everyone.

Edit: mostly formating

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