
I loved my job – until I didn’t

I've worked at my current job for two years (yesterday was my anniversary!) and in general, I loved it! It's a specialty pet supply store and we're meant to know about all of our products so we can better help our customers. Sure thing, I'm down. I love my team (we've had some turnover, as retail often does, but I've enjoyed most of my coworkers), I love the pets that come in, everything was golden. But now. We have a new lead who'd just started and this man is awful. He makes comments that he claims are jokes but are mean-spirited, he makes weird, inappropriate comments, he's condescending, he sneers at pronouns (my company is very progressive so in emails, people have their preferred pronouns), he basically sucks. I've spoken to the store manager several times about this and at our last 1:1, she basically said unless he does something…

I've worked at my current job for two years (yesterday was my anniversary!) and in general, I loved it! It's a specialty pet supply store and we're meant to know about all of our products so we can better help our customers. Sure thing, I'm down. I love my team (we've had some turnover, as retail often does, but I've enjoyed most of my coworkers), I love the pets that come in, everything was golden.

But now. We have a new lead who'd just started and this man is awful. He makes comments that he claims are jokes but are mean-spirited, he makes weird, inappropriate comments, he's condescending, he sneers at pronouns (my company is very progressive so in emails, people have their preferred pronouns), he basically sucks.

I've spoken to the store manager several times about this and at our last 1:1, she basically said unless he does something truly egregious (and even then), he's still my boss.

And it absolutely sucks because NO ONE on our team likes this man, he's offended everyone, and we're just meant to deal with it! I know my store manager's hands are likely tied but that doesn't change the fact that he's alienating everyone.

Anyway. I have to open with him tomorrow and I'm kind of sick over it because I do not want to be around this man. This is just proof that even when a company tries to do everything right, they'll still screw you over. :

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