
I loved my job until…

I had a meeting today with my manager and the VP of our department. I work for a startup company that for the most part has been a good experience for me. Yeah it's been busy but there's been a focus on work/life balance and mental health. There have been small indicators that not every department follows that, though, so I'm not ACTUALLY surprised. The VP today said that unless I'm “screaming for a break” I'm not busy enough and should be seeking out additional work from him or my manager. Like, who thinks that's a positive way to frame how busy someone should be? Am I busy? Yes. But I was told from the get-go that I should never feel overwhelmed. But now I'm being told that I should be Love that they hook you in with all the sweet words and shit and then rip the curtain back.

I had a meeting today with my manager and the VP of our department. I work for a startup company that for the most part has been a good experience for me. Yeah it's been busy but there's been a focus on work/life balance and mental health. There have been small indicators that not every department follows that, though, so I'm not ACTUALLY surprised.

The VP today said that unless I'm “screaming for a break” I'm not busy enough and should be seeking out additional work from him or my manager. Like, who thinks that's a positive way to frame how busy someone should be? Am I busy? Yes. But I was told from the get-go that I should never feel overwhelmed. But now I'm being told that I should be

Love that they hook you in with all the sweet words and shit and then rip the curtain back.

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