
I Made $110k Last Year and I’m Fucking Miserable (Rant Incoming)

I work in healthcare and have for the better part of 20 years. I have reached the pinnacle of my particular profession (Read: no escape). I have to take a certain amount of call every month which was fine until my kids got old enough to be involved in sports and other activities. The first time I had to tell my kids I wouldn’t be able to come to something because I was on call, they were fucking crushed and I will never forget the looks on their faces and the utter disappointment that I felt. I justified it with the thought that I was making money for my family and that I was going to have to miss some things. Fast forward a few years and all I can say now is FUCK…THAT. My family is far more important to me than my job will ever be, but the…

I work in healthcare and have for the better part of 20 years. I have reached the pinnacle of my particular profession (Read: no escape). I have to take a certain amount of call every month which was fine until my kids got old enough to be involved in sports and other activities. The first time I had to tell my kids I wouldn’t be able to come to something because I was on call, they were fucking crushed and I will never forget the looks on their faces and the utter disappointment that I felt. I justified it with the thought that I was making money for my family and that I was going to have to miss some things. Fast forward a few years and all I can say now is FUCK…THAT. My family is far more important to me than my job will ever be, but the problem is that I have basically no escape from where I am. I have very few options where I am for what I do and relocation is not an option. I make good/great money but I’m missing out on things that are far more important than a fucking job. I hate my job, I hate the life I have to live because of the job and I hate that I am missing out on my kids growing up because of said job. I am currently looking for another job with no call but not much is coming along so far. If you read this far, thank you. All I can say to someone going in to healthcare is find a job with no call and realize that the job is not your life, regardless of how much you make. End Rant.

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