
I made a new subreddit for Academics seeking redress for toxic work environments, bs from “rockstar academics” who get away with too much because “reputation”, fake job ads, etc

Not sure what the rules are about advertising subreddits but I hope this will be complimentary to the antiwork movement. I'm an academic who is fed up with the bs of academic departments, e.g. nepotism redefined as “moulding”, prestigious academics getting away with murder because they're “important figures”, departmental bullying, low pay, insecure working conditions and fake job ads where the job is already given to a “chosen one”. I hope this subreddit will bring the cockroaches out into the light.

Not sure what the rules are about advertising subreddits but I hope this will be complimentary to the antiwork movement. I'm an academic who is fed up with the bs of academic departments, e.g. nepotism redefined as “moulding”, prestigious academics getting away with murder because they're “important figures”, departmental bullying, low pay, insecure working conditions and fake job ads where the job is already given to a “chosen one”. I hope this subreddit will bring the cockroaches out into the light.

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