
I made my boss cry

This happened over a year ago during Christmas time, so not the one that just happened, the one in late 2020. Been at that job for about 3 years, but the higher ups moved people around our section, and we ended up with a real asshole as manager. This guy was bad! He even ended up with a very unflattering nickname that I don't want to repeat because it uses his real name, but I guess you can understand he wasn't very liked. My first incident happened back in Christmas 2019. The store was deserted and I was feeling hungry, so I snuck away to get a quick bite. BIG MISTAKE! On the way back in that quick 5 minute time frame, my phone goes stupid. I get phone calls from the main boss asking where I am and everything. I'm basically back at that point and say I'm behind…

This happened over a year ago during Christmas time, so not the one that just happened, the one in late 2020.
Been at that job for about 3 years, but the higher ups moved people around our section, and we ended up with a real asshole as manager. This guy was bad! He even ended up with a very unflattering nickname that I don't want to repeat because it uses his real name, but I guess you can understand he wasn't very liked. My first incident happened back in Christmas 2019. The store was deserted and I was feeling hungry, so I snuck away to get a quick bite. BIG MISTAKE! On the way back in that quick 5 minute time frame, my phone goes stupid. I get phone calls from the main boss asking where I am and everything. I'm basically back at that point and say I'm behind the store. Next moment the manager walks over acting all friendly. I talk to him normally, then he scolds the hell out of me like I'm a little child. It was rather humiliating, I had all my work done, so I was basically walking around the shop doing nothing. Not like my presence was drastically needed at about 10pm. It later dawned on me that he was spying on me from the park car. That's how he knew I quickly ran away for a quick bite. Made me angry seeing how plenty of people did the same or took lunch breaks over 30 minutes. After that, I felt he had no more tricks. Once Christmas 2020 rolled over, there wasn't anything different. It started with some random woman pulling up near me in a car and having her hold her phone up at me to record me. I was dumbfounded by it. All I could do was stare directly into the phone as she continued to record me. Don't know why she thought she was invisible, but guess she was dumb enough to think it. Soon enough my shift ended, so I clocked out of the app, then got into my car and typed her license plate info into my phone. Next night was a busy one and I got no break pretty much all night. I noticed a random car parked far away and guessed there was a reason it sat there. Nonetheless, I worked hard and it got to about 14 minutes left till my shift ended. Still had 2x 10min breaks left, so I planned to use them all there. Next moment, that smug ass bastard of a boss came skipping down like he caught me preforming the worst crime imaginable. It was the same kind of sweet talking trick, but I firmly asserted that I was taking my break. That answer didn't seem good enough, and he kept asking why I wasn't working. I again replied in a firm voice that it was my break. However, he seems like he thought he could bully me back into working. Once more, I explained that I was taking my designated break. In return, he gave back the same unintelligible parrot like response. I lost it at that stage and yelled at him — yelled out to everyone nearby that 'I'm not allowed to take a lunch break.' The manager absolutely freaked out and told me I was overreacting. My response, “I KNOW I'M OVERREACTING!” I start taking over cleaning duties as a good workmate asks me what's wrong? I tell him and he goes to talk to the manager and comes back to tell me that the manager only “suggested” that I go back to work. We both don't believe him and workmate tells me to go sit down, but I can't. I start yelling out how I can't because the manager won't let me sit down. And during all this chaos as there's probably a few minutes left on my shift, I happened to walk by the manager as he was facing a wall. As I got closer, I noticed him using his forearm to wipe his face. I couldn't believe it! That asshole was crying with his back turned away. Totally unbelievable! Somehow he became the victim because I wasn't working during a break I'm entitled to.

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