
I make 10/hr. GF makes 2.75/hr

I'm an electronics repair guy/ Consumer level IT guy. My GF waits tables at dennys. At her job. The pay is so little it covers her gas to get to work… the tips help big time. But the majority of people don't tip well. At my job. My coworker makes 16.. I make 10.. super frustrating but I feel if I try to get a raise they'll just hire someone else.. ALSO. she works at dennys. I hate it almost every penny we have goes to bills… and no. We have no benefits at all. So. Input? Thoughts?

I'm an electronics repair guy/ Consumer level IT guy. My GF waits tables at dennys. At her job. The pay is so little it covers her gas to get to work… the tips help big time. But the majority of people don't tip well.

At my job. My coworker makes 16.. I make 10.. super frustrating but I feel if I try to get a raise they'll just hire someone else..

ALSO. she works at dennys. I hate it almost every penny we have goes to bills… and no. We have no benefits at all.

So. Input? Thoughts?

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