
I might get downvoted into oblivion for this…but WFH SUCKED.

I want to preface this by saying that work from home has been an AMAZING thing for a lot of people. If you can work from home and function, great. That is not the case for all people. But for me, during the pandemic, it was some of the darkest and loneliest times in my entire life. I live alone, and when we were working from home off and on for months at a time during the height of the pandemic, I literally almost killed myself. My days ran together, there was no human contact other than over email and the occasional zoom call. Mostly I was left to my own devices to get my job done. I have a mostly autonomous roll at the office so meetings are not really a thing I need to participate in that often. I started drinking and smoking weed to get through the…

I want to preface this by saying that work from home has been an AMAZING thing for a lot of people. If you can work from home and function, great. That is not the case for all people.

But for me, during the pandemic, it was some of the darkest and loneliest times in my entire life. I live alone, and when we were working from home off and on for months at a time during the height of the pandemic, I literally almost killed myself.

My days ran together, there was no human contact other than over email and the occasional zoom call. Mostly I was left to my own devices to get my job done. I have a mostly autonomous roll at the office so meetings are not really a thing I need to participate in that often.

I started drinking and smoking weed to get through the day, and then drank and smoked more to get through the nights. Taking huge bites of edibles in the AM just to be able to get through the day without bursting into tears or having anxiety attacks.

It was just me, myself, and I. In my studio apartment with a computer and a TV, and a lot of orders from Uber eats because I was too depressed and lazy to do anything but drive to the liquor store or my dealers house.

In the dead of winter in NY, with no one to talk to, no sunlight, and what felt like no purpose in life other than to stare at a screen for a few hours completing an unfulfilling task while the whole world fell apart around me, I genuinely thought about killing myself. Not just an idle thought either. Like thinking about how I would do it and when. Thankfully I called the hotline and got some help.

I am now 6 months sober, and enjoying life again, in spite of having to commute to the office every day now. My job is not perfect and I've posted about it in this sub bitching about it a whole lot, but I'm glad to be there despite all that.

I write this only to point out that the constant pro WFH attitude on this sub and in general is not necessarily a good thing for everyone.

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