
I might lose my job because I had to be with my grandparent with cancer

My dear grandparent got the worst kind of cancer and I had to go see them. I stayed a bit longer and missed a few scheduled shifts. I contacted my work and explained my reason but they are still going to hold a meeting to decide if I will be fired or not. Honestly, I just want to know ASAP to be free from this nervous feeling, and hopefully free from this job. I've been working there for several years and they are thinking of booting me out over a few lousy days I missed. Heck, I even offered to work overtime — but not even one lick of acknowledgement from them for me wanting to try and make up for the lost time. No transferable skills from this job. A couple of decent friend from it and some work benefits but nothing of prospective worth after several years. I'll…

My dear grandparent got the worst kind of cancer and I had to go see them. I stayed a bit longer and missed a few scheduled shifts. I contacted my work and explained my reason but they are still going to hold a meeting to decide if I will be fired or not.

Honestly, I just want to know ASAP to be free from this nervous feeling, and hopefully free from this job. I've been working there for several years and they are thinking of booting me out over a few lousy days I missed. Heck, I even offered to work overtime — but not even one lick of acknowledgement from them for me wanting to try and make up for the lost time.

No transferable skills from this job. A couple of decent friend from it and some work benefits but nothing of prospective worth after several years. I'll be happy with either decision but I'm leaning towards getting the boot at this point.

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