
I might lose my job over not wanting to pay 70-80$ for an Uber.

Im a 19yo, I can't drive via old medical problems that gave resolved. My place of employment is a 3-5 minute walk usually. On the 16th I was called on to help family pet sit via their sitter backing out. I told them about work, and got some cash for it. I get there after quickly packing a few things, and realize my wallet is at home. Its 11pm on a sunday. I cant just go back across town. I take care of pets, and go to sleep. Monday was an off day, so I tried to sleep in, and failed. Took care of dogs, and looked at transport prices. 50 to schedule it in advance, and 35 for a one way. Nope, no thanks. I try to call out in advance for tuesday night as I just could not sleep. No response, this is normal, as its right when…

Im a 19yo, I can't drive via old medical problems that gave resolved. My place of employment is a 3-5 minute walk usually. On the 16th I was called on to help family pet sit via their sitter backing out. I told them about work, and got some cash for it. I get there after quickly packing a few things, and realize my wallet is at home. Its 11pm on a sunday. I cant just go back across town. I take care of pets, and go to sleep. Monday was an off day, so I tried to sleep in, and failed. Took care of dogs, and looked at transport prices. 50 to schedule it in advance, and 35 for a one way. Nope, no thanks. I try to call out in advance for tuesday night as I just could not sleep. No response, this is normal, as its right when we open, and there are rarely people at those phones. I go back to sleep, have a decent day, go to bed for the next. I try to call out after reaching a manager, and telling him “I am stuck on the other side of town, and no one can come get me-” “Lack of transport is not a valid reason to call out. Are you refusing to work your scheduled shift?” “YES, Im stuck-” “Ok” and then he hangs up. I go into work today after my relatives get home, get a ride to work, and then am almost immediately pulled aside. I get reminded by the scheduling manager, and the store manager that it is not a valid excuse, and am then asked for a statement. I give one, and am put on suspension without pay until a higher up HR person reviews this case to see if discipline is necessary. Later my SO who works there starts talking to co-workers, and every single one of them basicly says “This is malicious.”

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