
I need advice for avoiding/lowering medical bills, I don’t have any money and this could ruin me (arizona)

I apologize if this isn’t allowed but I don’t know where else to ask for help. I had a brain injury recently, an ambulance took me to the hospital and I had a two day hospital stay. i’m really worried about how much this is gonna cost, and could use some advice as to how to lower/avoid these bills. I remember seeing a tik tok a while ago about somebody who gave advice as to how to significantly lower a medical bill. i’ve also heard in passing that in my state (arizona) one can avoid medical bills without it effecting your credit. i’ve also gotten some mixed answers from looking this up so I figured i’d turn to you guys. does anybody have advice or resources to lower a medical bill? and does anybody know if I can get away with just not paying it without effecting my credit or…

I apologize if this isn’t allowed but I don’t know where else to ask for help. I had a brain injury recently, an ambulance took me to the hospital and I had a two day hospital stay. i’m really worried about how much this is gonna cost, and could use some advice as to how to lower/avoid these bills.

I remember seeing a tik tok a while ago about somebody who gave advice as to how to significantly lower a medical bill. i’ve also heard in passing that in my state (arizona) one can avoid medical bills without it effecting your credit. i’ve also gotten some mixed answers from looking this up so I figured i’d turn to you guys. does anybody have advice or resources to lower a medical bill? and does anybody know if I can get away with just not paying it without effecting my credit or getting sued? thanks in advance

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