
I need help from people who still have a heart

My dad for the second time told me he was going to quick me out. Everything started when I turned 18 in June, he right away stopped paying for medical stuff that I needed and overall stopped giving a shit about me. I live in Portugal so he (even tho I'm 18) receives money from the state to take care of me (because I have no job and I'm still in highschool). He pays nothing for me, not even food, or the pass to take the bus. I need a job as soon as possible, my family is in court for how bad and disfuncional it is. I'm a woman, a native Portuguese speaker and my English is ok (now probably not because I'm crying really hard and my head hurts), I'll probably need to quit school but i have no other option even tho I'm a excellent student. Pls…

My dad for the second time told me he was going to quick me out. Everything started when I turned 18 in June, he right away stopped paying for medical stuff that I needed and overall stopped giving a shit about me. I live in Portugal so he (even tho I'm 18) receives money from the state to take care of me (because I have no job and I'm still in highschool). He pays nothing for me, not even food, or the pass to take the bus.

I need a job as soon as possible, my family is in court for how bad and disfuncional it is. I'm a woman, a native Portuguese speaker and my English is ok (now probably not because I'm crying really hard and my head hurts), I'll probably need to quit school but i have no other option even tho I'm a excellent student.

Pls if you can help me or know someone who can pls talk about me

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