
I need help in florida with a situation regarding my employment.

Hello, AntiWork. I've currently come across an unfortunate situation regarding a job I applied for. I came from South Carolina to Florida recently to move in with a buddy of mine and I applied to the same place he was working at. After the interview process went through, I was accepted and brought in to work for the company. After getting my Schedule and being told when I started, I get a call from HR to continue filling in my information. When it came to the ID portion of the paperwork, it came to light that the identification I had available was a passport. No State ID and no Driver's License. Due to this, they couldn't take me in until I got my ID. I asked what I had to do to get my ID and I was told to go make an appointment at the DMV. This went south…

Hello, AntiWork.

I've currently come across an unfortunate situation regarding a job I applied for.

I came from South Carolina to Florida recently to move in with a buddy of mine and I applied to the same place he was working at. After the interview process went through, I was accepted and brought in to work for the company.

After getting my Schedule and being told when I started, I get a call from HR to continue filling in my information.
When it came to the ID portion of the paperwork, it came to light that the identification I had available was a passport. No State ID and no Driver's License.

Due to this, they couldn't take me in until I got my ID. I asked what I had to do to get my ID and I was told to go make an appointment at the DMV. This went south and I got nowhere. After speaking with the supervisor I was going to work under and my roommate, the supervisor managed to get me an appointment for 2 weeks from then through the tax collector's office nearby.

After waiting for 2 weeks and finally getting my license, I give a call to HR to tell them the information. They notify me that the supervisor I was going to work under already had 2 interviews set up for other people and that I would have to wait until the next week for the process to see IF I would get the job. I understood and waited another week.

The entire time I'm talking with my roommate and his supervisor to see what the situation is. At this point the supervisor is basically fighting to get me employed.

They end up telling the supervisor that I apparently gave the person behind the phone at HR an attitude and that it was an “undesirable” trait for the company, which was the reason why they were holding off on my employment.

I speak with the supervisor and I'm utterly baffled by this information. I'm told to wait for HR to call me and to address it, apologize for the misunderstanding and wait for further development.

I get a phone call from HR for the last time and they tell me that unfortunately the supervisor had already filled the position I was applying for. I mentioned that I spoke with her and my roommate and that they explained the situation. I apologize for the inconvenience and ask how to ammend this.

The person in HR thanked me for the apology but told me that due to their policy they can't move forward with the employment.

Antiwork, I am baffled and appalled by this.
Not once did I come off crossed with HR about the entire situation, yet they made me waste almost a month of my time and money. Every trip to the location was a 30-40 drive to and back, over an hour and a half of driving.

I was accepted, received my schedule, got denied due to an ID necessity, AND got rejected once I got it.

What can I do?

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