
I need help understanding wtf happend.. and what I should do.

A friend called me and asked if I could jump in last minute and help out at a event that a friend or someone she knew (I’m not sure how they know etch other) was managing due to many people calling in sick. And I was free that time and have a really hard time saying no to people who need help. The place where the event was at was really far out of town and my sister needed to borrow my car, but she was able to drop me off at the event. I made it very clear to the event manger that I was able to get there on my own but I needed a ride back, which she agreed on ahead of time. I get to the event and realise instantly that she isn’t a very pleasant person to be around, no “thank you for coming on…

A friend called me and asked if I could jump in last minute and help out at a event that a friend or someone she knew (I’m not sure how they know etch other) was managing due to many people calling in sick. And I was free that time and have a really hard time saying no to people who need help.

The place where the event was at was really far out of town and my sister needed to borrow my car, but she was able to drop me off at the event. I made it very clear to the event manger that I was able to get there on my own but I needed a ride back, which she agreed on ahead of time.

I get to the event and realise instantly that she isn’t a very pleasant person to be around, no “thank you for coming on such short notice” or “welcome”. But I didn’t care too much, she had a lot to do and was probably stressed.

As we were wrapping up the food-part of the event and nearing the end of my shift I went to collected my pay. We hadn’t agreed on a sum beforehand so I asked for a reasonable amount (taking into account the short notice/hour of day/location). She gave me about 70% less than what I asked for in cash and we agreed that she would send me more later (so she still owes my money). But the total sum was still way below what would be considered fair. So I spoke to some of the people I worked with and we all got a very low amount. But I didn’t care to much, I was mainly there to help out a friend of a friend.

After I got my pay I had to wait for my ride back home, which she didn’t book for the end of my shift as agreed upon but at 3am (my shift ended at 11pm). So I hanged around in the kitchen for about an hour until I saw that a couple of friends were at the event. They invite me over and we get some drinks and just chat until all of a sudden, the event manger come and pulls my out of the building saying she needs to talk with me. She says that I’ve been talking shit about here and that I need to leave immediately. I barley knew her name and hadn’t said a word about her except the low pay for the workers.

I was drunk at the time and just dumbfounded, I didn’t know what to say so I just walked. I had to walk 5km to a train station but as this was around 2:10am, no trains were running. I tried to call a Uber/cab but none were available, so I hitchhiked to a slightly bigger town hoping I could find a cab there, but none were available there too. So I tried looking for a hotel that was open, but they were all close. I finally got so desperate that I had to call my parents to give me a ride, but they had been out for dinner and drinking so couldn’t drive. But my mom could get a cab from were she was at and come pick me up. All and all, the 2-way cab trip ended up costing more than what I got paid and I had to sit outside until 7am.

I feel extremely taken advantage off, incredibly mad and just super disappointed.

I went out off my way to help a friend of a friend and ended up losing money, time and dignity.

What do I even do? Just move past it? Sue?

I’m just extremely mad and want to do something about it but I’m not sure what…

(Sorry for the bad grammar)

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