
I need to find the motivation to keep my job

I guess I'll start out by saying I know a lot more people have it worse than me and have to endure far more than I do. I work in a warehouse and I'm sure a lot of people around me probably feel the same way if not worse, but the strain of this job is really starting to affect me and I'm not sure how much longer I can take. I've been at this warehouse for about 2 years, at first, it wasn't so bad, I've gotten over the typical working pains of being at a warehouse but now it's the migraines that are affecting me. I've always gotten migraines ever since I could remember, and i don't know why i thought getting a job at a warehouse with defining loud noises and bright piercing lights would be a good idea. I do try and take medicine for it,…

I guess I'll start out by saying I know a lot more people have it worse than me and have to endure far more than I do. I work in a warehouse and I'm sure a lot of people around me probably feel the same way if not worse, but the strain of this job is really starting to affect me and I'm not sure how much longer I can take.

I've been at this warehouse for about 2 years, at first, it wasn't so bad, I've gotten over the typical working pains of being at a warehouse but now it's the migraines that are affecting me.
I've always gotten migraines ever since I could remember, and i don't know why i thought getting a job at a warehouse with defining loud noises and bright piercing lights would be a good idea. I do try and take medicine for it, but I've become immune to it and no amount of pills i take makes them go away. Sometimes I get sick with the amount i try and take, i get dizzy by the end of the day, and i get scared driving home because i can bearly keep my eyes open because the sunlight becomes overwhelming. Every day i try and leave at least 2 hours early so i can sit at home in isolation to try and make the pain go away enough for me to fall asleep, and most of the time it doesn't go away.

I'll be getting a rais in a few months, but at this point with me getting migraines every time i walk into that place the money is just a hair-thin reason keeping me there. How do other people do it, I can't wrap my head around it. Im so scared to try and find another job that won't do this to me, that I'll lose it instantly and be screwed. How does everyone stay motivated?

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