
I need to rant about my workplace.

Yesterday I put my cat of 17 1/2 years down. I'm pretty much a wreck right now. I understand everyone deals with the loss of a pet differently but my cats are my babies. They've helped me through the loss of my father and depression. I called in sick yesterday, saying I have the vet appointment and obviously won't be a starter to answer phones all day (call center type job). The manager who answered didn't sound happy about it but didn't make a comment. Didn't even offer condolences actually. Today I woke up crying. I hadn't really slept. I made myself sick yesterday with how much crying I was doing and how much junk food I was eating. So I called in sick again. She told me “they don't really have anyone else, and ever since S left, things are tight”. Thing. Is.. S, wouldn't be scheduled to work…

Yesterday I put my cat of 17 1/2 years down. I'm pretty much a wreck right now. I understand everyone deals with the loss of a pet differently but my cats are my babies. They've helped me through the loss of my father and depression.

I called in sick yesterday, saying I have the vet appointment and obviously won't be a starter to answer phones all day (call center type job). The manager who answered didn't sound happy about it but didn't make a comment. Didn't even offer condolences actually.

Today I woke up crying. I hadn't really slept. I made myself sick yesterday with how much crying I was doing and how much junk food I was eating. So I called in sick again.

She told me “they don't really have anyone else, and ever since S left, things are tight”. Thing. Is.. S, wouldn't be scheduled to work today anyway. I told her I didn't know what to say, but I wouldn't be there. She got mad and said “well I guess I'm pulling a double then”. Like fuck off, trying to guilt trip me into coming into work. This isn't a headache, or a mild inconvenience that's keeping me from working.

How is it my fault we're understaffed? Or that you can't keep employees? I ended up not going in but on top of being heartbroken I'm upset and angry.

I think work is going to get a raw unedited version of myself from now on. I don't really care about consequences anymore.

Where's the sympathy? Where's the empathy?

Anyway. Thanks for listening.

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