
I need work advice. Please.

I failed a drug test for weed. I left my old job and found a new place to live for this new job only to fail my drug test and now have no job. I had previously interviewed for this new job about a month and a half ago and got turned down so there was no reason for me to stop smoking weed. I get a call randomly by them and said they need another new hire and i was next on the list of candidates and offered me the job. I had about a week to do the drug test and tried that certo method but failed still. It just seems unfair to not hire someone over weed, especially it being legal here in california and at the time of the job offer I wasnt looking for work anymore so i just smoked on my personal time. Idk…

I failed a drug test for weed. I left my old job and found a new place to live for this new job only to fail my drug test and now have no job. I had previously interviewed for this new job about a month and a half ago and got turned down so there was no reason for me to stop smoking weed. I get a call randomly by them and said they need another new hire and i was next on the list of candidates and offered me the job. I had about a week to do the drug test and tried that certo method but failed still. It just seems unfair to not hire someone over weed, especially it being legal here in california and at the time of the job offer I wasnt looking for work anymore so i just smoked on my personal time. Idk what to do. I have no job anymore and now gotta go back to my parents home. My old job was a health inspector for la county and was gonna go to vector control in coachella. My last day of work for la county was last friday the 17th of June. Do you think my old job would take me back after only being gone a week? Should i give them an excuse as to why I wanna return so quick? Should i even bother with the old job and find a new job? Im lost. This sucks.

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